Sunday, February 4, 2007

The mind of a 12 year old boy.

Today was shopping day for me. Every other weekend, my sister, Holly, and I do our 2 week grocery shopping. Usually we are armed with coupons and a shopping list complete with price comps from all of the flyers. (we usually only shop at Super Walmart since they price comp with all the stores). Today, being sunday, was a little different. We werent prepared, and mostly just winged it. I did have a rough idea of what I wanted to fix for dinner, so it wasnt a complete throw it in the cart and hope we have something to go with it kind of trip.

We had been there about a hour and a half when we hit the meat isle. We were all tired and hungry. Not that had anything to do with what Michael did. He's a boy and cant help himself. They had a 10 lb roll of hamburger meat for $10. Now this was cool cuz the only meat that came close was $1.26 a lb, and came in the 5 lb roll, which is what usually bought. I had never seen a roll of meat this big. (insert laughs). I picked mine up, keeping all comments to myself being in the presence of two young impressionable boys. Holly asks Michael to pick hers up and well, you can imagine what he did with it. I busted out laughing. Of course he did it. What 12 year old boy WOULDNT?? Of course Holly was moritfied. I told her tho, I think i'd be more worried if he hadnt thought of it, ya know?

I still want to know who thought of the 10lb roll of meat tho.


Munchkins and Music said...

I like it! Girls shopping day out!

Unknown said...

Very fine......