Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Why I love Tony...

Tony, my 19 year old step son, moved in with us two weeks ago. Up until this past christmas, he and his father havent seen each other for 11 years (long story). So now everyone is getting reacquanted and all honkey dorey. It's wierd going from the occaisonal kid in the house to having a 19 year old (male) there all the time. In some ways i'm glad we havent had any kids of our own yet, so that he and and V. can have all of this time, undisturbed, to get reaquainted and form that bond.

He's a cool kid. Goofy, and very much his fathers son.

1. He likes old black and white musicals.
2. He likes spending time playing play station with his dad.
3. He takes the trash out without being asked.
4. He says 'yes ma'am' which makes me feel old.
5. When i was having a crappy day at work he cleaned the whole house for me.
6. He's not afraid of working for something.
7. He has his dad's sense of humor.
8. He spends more time on aol or texting one of his girlfriends than i did when i was in high school.
9. He called me at 8 oclock on my birthday to be the first one to say happy birthday.
10. He always says thank you when i give him a ride to work.

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